Monday 2 May 2011

White Crow – Marcus Sedgwick

The White Crow is a mysterious gothic fiction. I enjoyed the line on the front of the cover “Angels or Devils ……. Which is waiting for you?” (In my case Devils)
The two main characters in the book are Ferelith and Rebecca.
Rebecca is the daughter of disgraced inspector blamed for the death of a young girl. She is a quiet girl who keeps to her self.
Ferelith is the daughter of a dead mother and a run away father. Ferelith is a dark character with dark secrets following her in the shadows.
Now the plot, I was so confused I didn’t understand what I was reading in places. So I can’t really speak of a plot more a jumble of chapters in my mind.
Now I loved the style of the writing, I enjoyed the gothic writing. I loved the way the different voices are heard in the book.
In the conclusion this book was fantastic in so many ways, I couldn’t put this book down. But there one downside this books layout was very confusing

Year 9


  1. Thanks for the reviews Hollie! Good work, and I'm really pleased to hear you got on so well with two books that aren't what you'd usually read. I hope you don't mind, I did edit out a line or two that gave away a little too much of the plots. Hope that's alright :)

  2. Hollie i loved your review and thanks to you i am now reviewing the same book.

    Sofie (your sister, if you were wondering)


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