Thursday, 5 May 2011

Prisoner of the inquisition

by Theresa Breslin
This story tells the tale of a magistrate’s daughter living in a small town in Spain called les conches. She is called Zarita but when the holy inquisition arrives in her town she feels like her every move is being watched and she no longer feels safe. Saulo the son of a beggar helplessly watches his father get hanged and narrowly escapes death but he is sent to work at sea when he’s traded for a keg of wine he becomes a galley rat for a group of sailors. When Saulo is at sea he matures and grows as he is well fed he learns how to fight and becomes a lot smarter as well.
. Zarita meets Saulo again although they fail to recognise each other when they visit the king and queen when they finally realise it brings back horrible feelings of regret and betrayal for both of them.

This book is very good it was so interesting that it was impossible to put down. I have read the book twice and would recommend it to everyone who is interested in action fiction. The way it switches between the characters so you always have to make sure to read who the chapter is about. It is a story of anger and betrayal and portrays the feelings of the characters really well. It shows really good use of empathy. The style is quite historical and mystical with a little bit of horror, like at the beginning. The author has obviously worked really hard to make you feel like you are an onlooker on the events and she really makes you feel like you are in Spain by using lots of adjectives and vividly describing the surroundings, the sounds and the smell to you. I absolutely love the book and I hope others think so too. All in all it is one of the best books I have ever read.

Review by Yasmin Year 7


  1. please comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Great review!

    Told me about the story and you gave amazing opinions.

    spell Father F-A-T-H-E-R though


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