Monday 9 May 2011

Prisoner of the Inquisition

By Theresa Breslin

Prisoner of the Inquisition is about Zarita, the daughter of the town magistrate. But after an incident when Zarita was young, a beggar, Saulo, after having believed his father wrongfully killed swears to return and kill the Magistrate and all of his family.

The Inquisition arrives at the town and bring suspicion upon everyone and death for some of those in the town. But in the royal court, Zarita and Saulo meet again once more.

I did enjoy this book but I think it would be hard for certain people to enjoy; finding the book hard to get into. I think the characters I liked most were Zarita and Saulo as you got to know them the best. I thought the other characters were intriguing but I found that they were hard to engage with as they, although detailed, lacked some aspects that I think improve a characters depth. I think writing it from the characters point of view meant you could engage with the characters better. I thought Breslin is a good writer but I think she was better at writing the parts about when Zarita saw Saulo, and vice versa. I think she managed to explain their feelings very well and their emotions when they were in each others company.

I thought the plot was an amazing idea but I thought sometimes certain areas of the book were written without much reason behind it, some parts did not add much to the story. After talking with other people I also found out that there was confusion in the beginning as the book is hard to get into but it was enjoyable once you understood and can engage with the characters.

Jenna, Year 8

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