Friday 20 May 2011

the Brides Farewell Meg Rosoff

The bride’s farewell is a story about a girl named Pell (aged 17) who runs away on the night of her wedding and who is later joined by her younger brother Bean (who is mute). She rides away on here on her horse Jack only taking her prized possessions and general necessities. How will she survive?

The book was good although I found it a bit boring and it is not normally the type of book I go for. It was quite like a fairy romantic type novel and so I didn’t really enjoy it that much. But even though I didn’t like it, it was still a very good book and was written very well. The characters had very interesting names that were also slightly weird like Pell and Bean.

The characters had very strong emotions though and I liked the way they were portrayed. I found that the description however was really good and I could really see what was happening and what all the characters looked like.

Although I don’t really want to read any more books by her, I think it is good to read other genres.

Even though I didn’t like it is a good book and very well written. Good job Rosoff and I hope others will enjoy the book.

Review by Yasmin Year 7


  1. please comment and that me know what you think

    Yasmin Year 7

  2. I couldn't think what to write without giving the book away so its a really short review.

    Yasmin Year 7


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