Wednesday 4 May 2011

Monsters of Men

By Patrick Ness

Monsters of Men is about two people – Todd and Viola. The book is set in the future on a planet that some humans have escaped to, because the Old World was full of evil. The previous books followed them on their journey to Haven and the war going on between the Ask and Answer. At the end of the very last book, the whole Spackle population declare war on the people of New World.

I loved almost everything about this book, but the thing I liked most about it was probably the characters, especially the Mayor. I hated him and loved him at the same time. He treated Todd horribly and tried to kill all of the women in Old Prentisstown and then again in Haven. However, I thought the way Todd influenced him was really interesting and towards the end of the book I really started to believe he could change. I also loved hearing from 1017 and knowing what the Spackle were like. It was really interesting learning the Spackle language, even though it was really confusing at first.
The plot throughout the series was amazing, the books had gripped me from the very first page and I couldn’t wait to see what happened next. There is only one thing that I didn’t like. I found the cliff hanger at the end of the book really frustrating, and I would have done anything to know what happened.
I think that the way that Monsters of Men was written was really good. Hearing from Todd, Viola and 1017’s point of view was really interesting, especially when the Spackle were at war. At first I found it really annoying when Todd kept saying ain’t, but after the first few chapters, I didn’t notice it.

Overall, I loved this book and I had great fun reading it!

By Molly (Year 7)

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you on the Mayor and my favourite part was the characters too! Great review!
    Nathan, year 8


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