Thursday 28 April 2011

Monsters of Men

By Patrick Ness

This is a book about a country divided in two and in the middle of a war, the two sides are the Spackle and the people. In the midst of this todd and viola are trying to get peace and end the war so they can finally be together and give the people what they want; a peaceful normal life

The main characters are Todd Viola and the Mayor, they all have their diverse different personalities. Viola and Todd are both very confident brave and stick up for what they believe in risking their life for it. Also they are both clever and where Todd is thoughtful Viola is more of a risk taker. The mayor is cunning sly and harsh even though inside parts of him know he is doing wrong consequently sometimes he can be forgiving and thoughtful.

The things I love about this book was firstly the changing narrators, I really liked this because it gave you a different perspective and let know what was going on subtly and made the storyline more interesting. Secondly I also like how Patrick Ness gave detail and emotion when writing about the battle making it easy to see how people were feeling, what was going on and drew a picture in your mind. Another thing that was great about the book was the way it was always on a cliffhanger and the author didn't just pick the average boring endings he did things you weren't expecting. The way Todd and Viola showed their feelings was very romantic and the connetion of "noise" between charactes was quirky and interesting.

The things I didn't that much was sometimes things went into lots and lots of detail and almost waffled a little, yet others may see this as a good thing. Sometimes I had to re read some sentences as they weren't clear , but this was probably because of the new vocabulary.

All in all it was a great book which I really enjoyed it gripping exciting and not like many other books I would Recommend it to anyone!

By Chloe  7.5/10
 Year 8

1 comment:

  1. Great review Chloe, thanks :) You did really well tackling the third part of a trilogy without reading the first two. Really impressed to see that it does stand alone.


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